Pregnancy Safe Exercise Tips

Pregnancy Safe Exercise Tips

Wondering what exercises are safe while pregnant? How do you know when it’s time to try a new variation of the exericse? 🤔If you experience any of these warning signs, your body is letting you know that you’re not ready for the exercise or movement. Creating a...
Why You Should Always Make Exercise Videos of Yourself

Why You Should Always Make Exercise Videos of Yourself

Reasons to make a video of yourself: 1. To identify weaknesses and turn them into strengths before they become a painful injury 2. To monitor your progress. You could make a follow-up video later and see the improvements, even if you don’t feel them 3. To create more...
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Lifting Something Heavy

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Lifting Something Heavy

The hip hinge is such an important exercise that I incorporate it into almost every workshop and bootcamp class I offer. It is a movement that you perform all day every day, maybe without even realizing it. Although I’m pictured here with a kettlebell, you can imagine...