Answers to the most frequently asked question on chiropractic care and treatments at The Movement Recipe in Haarlem.

What can I expect at my first visit?

  • Dress in loose clothing that you can freely move around in. You should be able to raise your arms overhead and squat.

  • We begin with a conversation about what’s bothering you and your treatment goals.

  • Then, there is a comprehensive exam, including chiropractic, orthopedic, and neurological testing.

  • If the examination reveals red-flags, an appropriate referral to the huisarts for imaging or to another physician will be made.

  • We will immediately discuss the findings and make an appropriate recommendation on treatment.

  • First treatment will be performed. It can vary between chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and rehabilitation exercises.

  • You will receive a digital report of your complaint with a recipe for movement success and recovery.


What can I expect at follow-up visits?

  • Dress in clothes you can squat and move freely in (does not have to be exercise clothes).

  • The treatment will be a combination of chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and rehabilitation exercises.

  • There is a big focus on making you stronger and keeping you pain-free FOREVER. Exercises will be given to complement and assist with your chiropractic treatments.

  • There is a big focus on education. You will understand what caused your injury and how to make sure it doesn’t come back.

  • You will receive a complimentary re-evaluation after an initial series of treatments to determine your progress.

Do I need a referral from the huisarts?

No, it is not necessary for treatment.

Are Chiropractors doctors?

Some are.  In the United States, chiropractors receive Doctor of Chiropractic degrees.  In other countries, they receive Masters degrees.  Carly is a doctor of chiropractic from an accredited institution (recognized in NL as such) with specialized training in sports medicine and prenatal care.  

Do you have to adjust/crack me? Do you have to dry needle me?

Absolutely not. There are many different techniques and you are guaranteed to be comfortable with the treatment plan.

I don’t have pain, but I would like to move better. Can you help me?

Yes! Lots of patients love the new range of motion and strength they feel from the chiropractic treatments.  It’s way more than just pain relief.

Are all chiropractors the same?

Not at all. Every chiropractor practices different. This is based on the school education, seminars, and work experiences. As a trained and certified sports chiropractor, I use a combination of joint and muscle manipulation, rehabilitation and therapeutic exercises to give patients superior, results-oriented care.

Do I have to keep going forever?

No. Our greatest reward is returning patients to their active lifestyles in the shortest time frame possible. The treatment plan is based on individual needs and case complexity, not on predetermined treatment plans.

In addition to having less pain and better mobility, you will learn ways to prevent the injury or movement dysfunction from recurring. The active care approach requires your participation. The closer you follow the recommendations, the faster and longer you are likely to remain free of pain and enjoy maximum performance.

That being said, many patients enjoy the benefits of regular chiropractic care and enjoy having visits every 4-6 weeks to help ensure the most optimal movement and nervous system function.

If you have additional questions that weren’t answered, please send a message.