Myofascial release therapy is the application by hand with precise pressure and tension to treat adhesions within connective tissue.

What is myofascial release therapy?

Myofascia is a combination of the words myo (muscle) and fascia (connective tissue around the muscle).  Connective tissue is the structure that helps bind, support, separate or connect other soft tissue structures. These tissues can develop adhesions as the result of trauma, injury, surgery of inactivity. Adhesions not only hinder the connective tissues ability to perform its role within the body, in many cases is results in pain. Myofascial release is a slow sustained pressure that is applied by the practitioner to a patient’s affected connective tissue in a verytargeted way.

How does it work?

The technique works by combining specific movement and manual pressure to break up adhesions or scar tissue that may have formed within the soft tissues due to overuse, trauma, or repetitive motion. These adhesions can restrict movement and cause pain or discomfort.

It can be beneficial for a wide range of individuals including athletes looking for improved performance or injury prevention, as well as those recovering from acute injuries like sprains or strains.

What can it help with?

Its ability to reduce pain, enhance mobility and function make it an effective option for individuals seeking relief from the following musculoskeletal conditions:

  • Neck pain and stiffness,
  • Tendonitis of elbows, hands, knees 
  • Increased pain or throbbing when exercising
  • Reduced flexibility and limited range of motion
  • Loss of muscle strength
  • Inflamed joints or frequent joint pains
  • Signs of nerve damage, such as tingling, numbness and weakness

Is it similar to Active Release Technique?

Yes.  Carly Zuehlke was previously a certified Ironman Active Release Techniques provider but since moving to Europe, it’s been hard to continue the education and renewal process.  The treatments are very similar, though I cannot say that it is active release technique since the certification is not valid without taking a course yearly.

Your visit

At the first visit, you will receive a comprehensive consultation and examination.  The treatment involves a combination of spinal and extremity chiropractic adjustments, manual therapy, and prescribed exercises.  The myofascial therapy is used as a specific form of manual therapy or massage.  Often times, it is performed on the spine before an adjustment to loosen the segment and allow a better adjustment to occur.  This combination provides long lasting results to heal your pain at the source. You will always receive personalized attention and quality care to help you reach your goals.