I had the opportunity to go to Tortosa, Spain to treat 3,500 athletes from all over the world at the CSIT World Sport Games. I was selected by the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS) to work with 22 other sports chiropractors in 7 locations throughout Tortosa and 8 other surrounding cities. The sports covered include: Soccer, Futsol (Minisoccer), Basketball, Swimming, Beach Wrestling, Judo, Tennis, Table Tennis, Beach Tennis, Volleyball, Beach Volleyball, Fistball, Athletics (Track/Field), Mamanet, and Karate.
WSG was created to be the Olympics for the European worker’s. CSIT works in co-operation with the IOC (International Olympic Committee), GAISF & SportAccord (United Sports Federations), ICSSPE (International Council of Sport and Physical Education), EFPM (European Fair Play Movement), ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association), WADA(World Anti-Doping Agency), and more.
At our team meeting, we were told that “through this event, you are having a hand in creating sports chiropractic history”. I was so honored to be at the World Sport Games, representing my profession on the global stage. The procession through town and opening ceremonies were a great way to kick off a week of sporting events.
It was an amazing week at the World Sport Games. I was so excited with my assignment to the venue with mamanet and minifutbol (soccer) competitions. Mamanet was created in Israel to help mother’s connect with their children and their schools. It’s similar to Newcomb in the US, and you must be aged 30 and a mother to play.
Some of the injuries that I saw and treated included heat exhaustion, ankle fracture, knee sprain, neck sprain, low back pain, and finger injuries.
For me, the highlight of this sport is the sportsmanship and camaraderie amongst athletes, with dancing and hugging each other before and after every competition. For many of the athletes we treated, I got to provide them with their first chiropractic adjustment. I have the best job in the world and these athletes were so grateful for the care we provided.

the team of chiropractors providing care

I was 20 weeks pregnant at the time

chiropractors with the event director

FICS chirorpactors at the opening ceremonies